Links dealing with second Temple period judaism[s] and interpretation and after.
Techniques and assumptions in interpretive approach before the destruction of the Temple:
http://www.academia.edu/1326790/Techniq ... fore_70_CE
Theology of interpretive methods in the first century:
http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/Tyndale/st ... eutics.pdf
Further links dealing with theology of interpretive method and techniques and assumptions:
Links to some of the targums:
Links to targum of Psalms:
Link to targum of Isaiah:
Link to part of midrash rabbah Genesis:
https://archive.org/stream/RabbaGenesis ... 9/mode/2up
Link to Dictionary of Targumim, Talmud and Midrashic Literature by Jastrow:
Link to rabbinical works [some in english some not]:
Torah, morality and rhetoric in some of the sayings of Yeshua:
http://www.academia.edu/26198681/Law_Mo ... s_of_Jesus
Paul and halakha [partial reading permitted]:
https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=xEA ... &q&f=false
Prophetic perfect:
http://www.truthortradition.com/article ... ic-perfect
Some dead sea scroll parallels:
http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il/symposiums ... oke96.html
Exorcism in the Gospels and second Temple period material:
http://churchsociety.org/docs/churchman ... 3_Dunn.pdf
Examples of interpretive methods being used in the Brit:
https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/nt-i ... nti_12.pdf
'Magnet words' or rather the usage of g'zerah shavah:
How second Temple period judaism[s] and Josephus understood Daniel 9:24-27
http://www.scielo.org.za/scielo.php?scr ... 4000300016
Research links
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If there is a disagreement please have it respectfully.
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The High Priestly context of Yeshua and links between Adam and the Temple
Below are some links dealing with the High Priestly context of Yeshua and links between Adam and the Temple:
High Priestly context of Yeshua:
http://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs/ ... 20Lunn.pdf
Adam, High Priest and King:
The Temple linked to Creation:
http://www.academia.edu/10588466/Seven_ ... e_Research
Temple and the Ark of Noach:
http://www.templethemes.net/publication ... adshaw.pdf
Re-sanctifying the 'cosmos':
http://www.academia.edu/22368329/Re-san ... mic_temple
Eden and the Temple:
https://publications.mi.byu.edu/publica ... 20Eden.PDF
Sinai as the Sanctuary:
https://publications.mi.byu.edu/fullscr ... 86&index=1
Creation and the Temple:
https://academic.udayton.edu/trends/cre ... iturgy.pdf
Ben Sirach and the High Priest and Temple:
https://jesusmonotheism.com/wp-content/ ... h20161.pdf
Temple theology:
http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il/symposiums ... nPaper.pdf
Some Temple imagery in the epistles of the apostle paul in light of second Temple period backdrop:
http://www.academia.edu/25306509/_Culti ... e_Judaism_
Below are some links dealing with the High Priestly context of Yeshua and links between Adam and the Temple:
High Priestly context of Yeshua:
http://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs/ ... 20Lunn.pdf
Adam, High Priest and King:
The Temple linked to Creation:
http://www.academia.edu/10588466/Seven_ ... e_Research
Temple and the Ark of Noach:
http://www.templethemes.net/publication ... adshaw.pdf
Re-sanctifying the 'cosmos':
http://www.academia.edu/22368329/Re-san ... mic_temple
Eden and the Temple:
https://publications.mi.byu.edu/publica ... 20Eden.PDF
Sinai as the Sanctuary:
https://publications.mi.byu.edu/fullscr ... 86&index=1
Creation and the Temple:
https://academic.udayton.edu/trends/cre ... iturgy.pdf
Ben Sirach and the High Priest and Temple:
https://jesusmonotheism.com/wp-content/ ... h20161.pdf
Temple theology:
http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il/symposiums ... nPaper.pdf
Some Temple imagery in the epistles of the apostle paul in light of second Temple period backdrop:
http://www.academia.edu/25306509/_Culti ... e_Judaism_
Interested in learning more? Join us on paltalk in the room Yeshua HaMashiach Fellowship and Study Room
Re: Interpretive commentary
Links dealing with interpretive approach and commentary:
Apostolic interpretive approach in Acts 15 in light of first century interpretive techniques and assumptions:
http://www.academia.edu/6837546/The_Sep ... in_Acts_15
The index of the website of brother Bryan Huie:
http://www.herealittletherealittle.net/ ... =All&id=75
Commentary from 1bread:
http://1bread.homestead.com/ScriptureCo ... Index.html
Numerical structure of the Scriptures:
The tearing of the veil:
The aqedah:
https://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/re ... nson14.pdf
https://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/re ... nson15.pdf
Verbal and conceptual parallels:
http://jimhamilton.info/wp-content/uplo ... matted.pdf
https://alastairadversaria.com/2013/02/ ... xoduses-7/
https://alastairadversaria.com/2014/04/ ... or-azazel/
https://www.oneforisrael.org/bible-base ... t-messiah/
https://byustudies.byu.edu/charts/10-16 ... -and-jesus
http://thetorah.com/literary-parallels- ... it-samuel/
Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels:
https://davidschrock.com/2016/12/08/mat ... -disciple/
http://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs/ ... rtlund.pdf
https://www.parkstreet.org/sites/defaul ... ntheot.pdf
Shlomo as the new adam:
https://strangetriumph.wordpress.com/20 ... d-failure/
A new adam:
http://www.academia.edu/7387269/The_Nam ... of_Genesis
Rabbinic backdrop to the Gospels:
Rock and stone imagery in light of second Temple period and rabbinical sources:
http://www.tyndalehouse.com/tynbul/libr ... nPeter.pdf
Paul and judaism [including letter and spirit]
https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/eq/1 ... ischer.pdf
The sh'ma in 1 Corinthians 8:6:
http://www.crispinfl.com/biblical-theol ... discovery/
The Tithe:
https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/ ... r_fac_pubs
Links dealing with interpretive approach and commentary:
Apostolic interpretive approach in Acts 15 in light of first century interpretive techniques and assumptions:
http://www.academia.edu/6837546/The_Sep ... in_Acts_15
The index of the website of brother Bryan Huie:
http://www.herealittletherealittle.net/ ... =All&id=75
Commentary from 1bread:
http://1bread.homestead.com/ScriptureCo ... Index.html
Numerical structure of the Scriptures:
The tearing of the veil:
The aqedah:
https://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/re ... nson14.pdf
https://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/re ... nson15.pdf
Verbal and conceptual parallels:
http://jimhamilton.info/wp-content/uplo ... matted.pdf
https://alastairadversaria.com/2013/02/ ... xoduses-7/
https://alastairadversaria.com/2014/04/ ... or-azazel/
https://www.oneforisrael.org/bible-base ... t-messiah/
https://byustudies.byu.edu/charts/10-16 ... -and-jesus
http://thetorah.com/literary-parallels- ... it-samuel/
Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels:
https://davidschrock.com/2016/12/08/mat ... -disciple/
http://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs/ ... rtlund.pdf
https://www.parkstreet.org/sites/defaul ... ntheot.pdf
Shlomo as the new adam:
https://strangetriumph.wordpress.com/20 ... d-failure/
A new adam:
http://www.academia.edu/7387269/The_Nam ... of_Genesis
Rabbinic backdrop to the Gospels:
Rock and stone imagery in light of second Temple period and rabbinical sources:
http://www.tyndalehouse.com/tynbul/libr ... nPeter.pdf
Paul and judaism [including letter and spirit]
https://biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/eq/1 ... ischer.pdf
The sh'ma in 1 Corinthians 8:6:
http://www.crispinfl.com/biblical-theol ... discovery/
The Tithe:
https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/ ... r_fac_pubs
Interested in learning more? Join us on paltalk in the room Yeshua HaMashiach Fellowship and Study Room
Other interesting links
The Heavenly Divine Council:
http://www.herealittletherealittle.net/ ... ne-Council
Fallen angels and demons:
http://www.herealittletherealittle.net/ ... ame=Demons
The last supper, was it a passover meal?
http://www.herealittletherealittle.net/ ... sover-Meal
The counting of the omer:
http://www.herealittletherealittle.net/ ... ame=Sivan6
Do not muzzle the ox:
http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/Tyndale/st ... uzzled.pdf
The passover in the synoptics and the Gospel of John:
http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/Tyndale/st ... ssover.pdf
Zechariah 9:9 in the Gospel of Matthew: ... ech9_9.pdf
Matthew chapter 2 in light of tradition in the first century:
http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/Tyndale/st ... 20Mt.2.pdf
First century background to 'hell':
http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/uploads/Pa ... chrift.pdf
Scaled down summary of the High Priestly context of Yeshua:
http://vridar.org/2014/11/09/jesus-as-t ... l-of-mark/
http://vridar.org/2014/11/10/how-the-go ... gh-priest/
The Heavenly Divine Council:
http://www.herealittletherealittle.net/ ... ne-Council
Fallen angels and demons:
http://www.herealittletherealittle.net/ ... ame=Demons
The last supper, was it a passover meal?
http://www.herealittletherealittle.net/ ... sover-Meal
The counting of the omer:
http://www.herealittletherealittle.net/ ... ame=Sivan6
Do not muzzle the ox:
http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/Tyndale/st ... uzzled.pdf
The passover in the synoptics and the Gospel of John:
http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/Tyndale/st ... ssover.pdf
Zechariah 9:9 in the Gospel of Matthew: ... ech9_9.pdf
Matthew chapter 2 in light of tradition in the first century:
http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/Tyndale/st ... 20Mt.2.pdf
First century background to 'hell':
http://www.tyndale.cam.ac.uk/uploads/Pa ... chrift.pdf
Scaled down summary of the High Priestly context of Yeshua:
http://vridar.org/2014/11/09/jesus-as-t ... l-of-mark/
http://vridar.org/2014/11/10/how-the-go ... gh-priest/
Interested in learning more? Join us on paltalk in the room Yeshua HaMashiach Fellowship and Study Room
Re: Research links
....A key to reading the life of Mashiach Yeshua..
http://etd.library.vanderbilt.edu/avail ... thesis.pdf
...Yeshua and the prosbul?...
...Yeshua and rabbinic judaism...
http://dl4a.org/uploads/pdf/Bruce_Chilt ... (2003).pdf
..the Gospels and rabbinic literature...
https://www.baytagoodah.com/uploads/9/5 ... ic_lit.pdf
..the Prophet Daniel and the beatitudes...
https://repository.up.ac.za/bitstream/h ... sequence=3
..Yeshua and the Song of Songs...
https://lirias.kuleuven.be/bitstream/12 ... eprint.pdf
...Yeshua and the Finger of 'Elohim....
https://www.nbseminary.ca/wp-content/up ... of-God.pdf
..the Prophet Daniel and Genesis...
https://scholarship.rice.edu/bitstream/ ... sequence=1
...Genesis 3 as the basis for Leviticus 11...
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/ ... Harper.pdf
..the apostle Paul and the yetzer ha ra .....
http://meaninginhistory.blogspot.co.uk/ ... ha-ra.html
....A key to reading the life of Mashiach Yeshua..
http://etd.library.vanderbilt.edu/avail ... thesis.pdf
...Yeshua and the prosbul?...
...Yeshua and rabbinic judaism...
http://dl4a.org/uploads/pdf/Bruce_Chilt ... (2003).pdf
..the Gospels and rabbinic literature...
https://www.baytagoodah.com/uploads/9/5 ... ic_lit.pdf
..the Prophet Daniel and the beatitudes...
https://repository.up.ac.za/bitstream/h ... sequence=3
..Yeshua and the Song of Songs...
https://lirias.kuleuven.be/bitstream/12 ... eprint.pdf
...Yeshua and the Finger of 'Elohim....
https://www.nbseminary.ca/wp-content/up ... of-God.pdf
..the Prophet Daniel and Genesis...
https://scholarship.rice.edu/bitstream/ ... sequence=1
...Genesis 3 as the basis for Leviticus 11...
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/ ... Harper.pdf
..the apostle Paul and the yetzer ha ra .....
http://meaninginhistory.blogspot.co.uk/ ... ha-ra.html
Interested in learning more? Join us on paltalk in the room Yeshua HaMashiach Fellowship and Study Room
Re: Books and E-material I own..
Some of the books [and e-books] that I own;
Abegg Jr, Martin. Flint, Peter. Ulrich, Eugene. The dead sea scrolls Bible.
Alexander, T. Desmond. Gathercole, Simon. Heaven on Earth, the Temple in Biblical theology.
Bailey, Kenneth E. Jesus through middle eastern eyes, cultural studies in the Gospels.
Berry, George Ricker. Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament (Genesis-Exodus).
Bieringer, Reimund. Martinez, Florentino Garcia. Pollefeyt, Didier. Tomson, Peter J. The New Testament and Rabbinic Literature (E-book).
Bowker, John. Jesus and the Pharisees.
Brenton, Sir. Lancelot C.L. The Septuagint with apocrypha.
Brooks, Geisler. When skeptics ask.
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. Bullinger's The Companion Bible (enlarged type version)
Charlesworth, James H. The Old Testament and legends, wisdom and philosophical literature, prayers, psalms and odes, fragments of lost Judeo-hellenistic works edited by James H. Charlesworth.
Charlesworth, James H. The Old Testament pseudepigrapha, volume 1, apocalyptic literature & testaments edited by James H. Charlesworth.
Chilton, Bruce. Evans, Craig A. Neusner, Jacob. The missing Jesus: Rabbinic Judaism and the New Testament (E-book).
Coakley, J. F. Robinon's paradigms and exercises in Syriac grammar, fifth edition.
Conway, Paul D. Jesus & His Jewish world (E-publication).
Crossley, James G. The New Testament and Jewish Law [E-book]
DelRio, Delio. Paul and the Synagogue, Romans and the Isaiah Targum (E-book).
Fletcher Louis, Crispin. Luke-Acts: Angels, Christology and Soteriology.
Friedlander, Gerald. The Jewish sources of the sermon on the mount.
Gieschen, Charles A. Angelomorphic Christology, antecedents and early evidence.
Gray, Tim. From Jewish Passover to Christian Eucharist, The Todah sacrifice as Backdrop for the Last Supper [E-publication].
Green Sr, Jay P, The interlinear Bible, larger print edition, volume 4 of 4 volumes.
Greenfield, W. The book of Genesis in English-Hebrew, accompanied by an interlinear translation, with notes by the editor of the comprehensive Bible.
Hahn, Scott W. The Kingdom of God as liturgical empire a theological commentary on 1-2 Chronicles.
Hays, Richard B. Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels.
Heiser, Michael S. The unseen realm (E-book).
Hislop, Alexander. The two Babylons, Romanism and its origins.
Instone Brewer, David. Traditions of the rabbis from the era of the New Testament volume 2A: Feasts and Sabbaths: Passover and Atonement.
Instone Brewer, David. Traditions of the rabbis from the era of the New Testament, volume 1 (prayer and agriculture).
JPS publication. The Torah, the first five books of Moses, the new JPS translation of the Holy Scriptures. According to the traditional Hebrew text.
Kinzer, Mark S. Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen. The Resurrected Messiah, the Jewish People, and the Land of Promise (E-book).
Labuschagne, Casper J. Numerical Secrets of the Bible (E-book).
Lamsa, George M. Holy Bible from the ancient eastern text, George M. Lamsa's translation from the Aramaic of the Peshitta.
Maccoby, Hyam. Early rabbinic writings.
Moore, George Foot. Judaism, volumes 1, 2, 3.
Morales, L. Michael. Cult and Cosmos, tilting towards a Temple centered theology.
Morales, L. Michael. The Tabernacle pre-figured, cosmic mountain ideology in Genesis and Exodus.
Morales, L. Michael. Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord?
Moreland, J. P. Scaling the secular city, a defense of Christianity.
Nanos, Mark D. Reading Romans within Judaism, collected essays of Mark D. Nanos, Vol. 2 (E-book).
Nanos, Mark D. The mystery of Romans, the Jewish context of Paul's letters.
Pember, G. H. Earths earliest ages.
Pember, G. H. The Church, the Churches and the mysteries.
Pember, G. H. The Great Prophecies of the centuries concerning Israel and the Gentiles.
Pember, G. H. The great Prophecies of the centuries concerning the Church.
Perschbacher, Wesley J. The new analytical Greek lexicon.
Postell, Seth D. Adam as Israel, Genesis 1-3 as the introduction to the Torah and Tanakh.
Pratico, Van Pelt. The vocabulary guide to Biblical Hebrew.
Pritz, Ray A. Nazarene Jewish Christianity from the end of the New Testament period until its disappearance in the fourth century.
Schneemelcher, Wilhelm. New Testament apocrypha volume one: Gospels and related writings revised edition edited by Wilhelm Schneemelcher, english translation edited by R. Mcl. Wilson.
Schneemelcher, Wilhelm. New Testament apocrypha volume two: Writings relating to the apostles: Apocalypses and related subjects revised edition, edited by Wilhelm Schneemelcher, English translation edited by R. MCL. Wilson.
Scott, John R. W. The letters of John (Tyndale New Testament commentaries).
Segal, Alan F. Two Powers in Heaven, early Rabbinic reports about Christianity and Gnosticism (E-book).
Smith, Morton. Tannaitic parallels to the Gospels.
Smith, Steven C. The House of the Lord, a catholic Biblical theology of the Temple in the Old and new Testament. (E-publication)
Strobel, Lee. The case for faith, a journalists investigates the toughest objections to Christianity.
Strobel, Lee. Vogel, Jane. The case for Christ, a journalists personal investigation of the evidence for Jesus.
Strong, James. The new Strongs exhaustive concordance of the Bible, updates dictionaries include contributions by John R. Kohlenberger, III.
Tomson, Peter J. Paul and the Jewish Law, Halakha in the letters of the apostle to the Gentiles.
Tregelles, S. P. Genenius's Hebrew & Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures from the English translation of S. P. Tregelles, LL. D. with additions from Furst.
Vermes, Geza. The complete dead sea scrolls in english.
Webster, Brian L. The Cambridge introduction to the Biblical Hebrew.
Whiston, William. Josephus, the complete works translated by William Whiston, A.M.
Wise, Michael. Abegg Jr, Martin. Cook, Edward. A new translation, the dead sea scrolls.
Young, Brad H. Meet the rabbis, rabbinic thought and the teachings of Jesus.
Some of the books [and e-books] that I own;
Abegg Jr, Martin. Flint, Peter. Ulrich, Eugene. The dead sea scrolls Bible.
Alexander, T. Desmond. Gathercole, Simon. Heaven on Earth, the Temple in Biblical theology.
Bailey, Kenneth E. Jesus through middle eastern eyes, cultural studies in the Gospels.
Berry, George Ricker. Interlinear Hebrew-English Old Testament (Genesis-Exodus).
Bieringer, Reimund. Martinez, Florentino Garcia. Pollefeyt, Didier. Tomson, Peter J. The New Testament and Rabbinic Literature (E-book).
Bowker, John. Jesus and the Pharisees.
Brenton, Sir. Lancelot C.L. The Septuagint with apocrypha.
Brooks, Geisler. When skeptics ask.
Bullinger, Ethelbert William. Bullinger's The Companion Bible (enlarged type version)
Charlesworth, James H. The Old Testament and legends, wisdom and philosophical literature, prayers, psalms and odes, fragments of lost Judeo-hellenistic works edited by James H. Charlesworth.
Charlesworth, James H. The Old Testament pseudepigrapha, volume 1, apocalyptic literature & testaments edited by James H. Charlesworth.
Chilton, Bruce. Evans, Craig A. Neusner, Jacob. The missing Jesus: Rabbinic Judaism and the New Testament (E-book).
Coakley, J. F. Robinon's paradigms and exercises in Syriac grammar, fifth edition.
Conway, Paul D. Jesus & His Jewish world (E-publication).
Crossley, James G. The New Testament and Jewish Law [E-book]
DelRio, Delio. Paul and the Synagogue, Romans and the Isaiah Targum (E-book).
Fletcher Louis, Crispin. Luke-Acts: Angels, Christology and Soteriology.
Friedlander, Gerald. The Jewish sources of the sermon on the mount.
Gieschen, Charles A. Angelomorphic Christology, antecedents and early evidence.
Gray, Tim. From Jewish Passover to Christian Eucharist, The Todah sacrifice as Backdrop for the Last Supper [E-publication].
Green Sr, Jay P, The interlinear Bible, larger print edition, volume 4 of 4 volumes.
Greenfield, W. The book of Genesis in English-Hebrew, accompanied by an interlinear translation, with notes by the editor of the comprehensive Bible.
Hahn, Scott W. The Kingdom of God as liturgical empire a theological commentary on 1-2 Chronicles.
Hays, Richard B. Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels.
Heiser, Michael S. The unseen realm (E-book).
Hislop, Alexander. The two Babylons, Romanism and its origins.
Instone Brewer, David. Traditions of the rabbis from the era of the New Testament volume 2A: Feasts and Sabbaths: Passover and Atonement.
Instone Brewer, David. Traditions of the rabbis from the era of the New Testament, volume 1 (prayer and agriculture).
JPS publication. The Torah, the first five books of Moses, the new JPS translation of the Holy Scriptures. According to the traditional Hebrew text.
Kinzer, Mark S. Jerusalem Crucified, Jerusalem Risen. The Resurrected Messiah, the Jewish People, and the Land of Promise (E-book).
Labuschagne, Casper J. Numerical Secrets of the Bible (E-book).
Lamsa, George M. Holy Bible from the ancient eastern text, George M. Lamsa's translation from the Aramaic of the Peshitta.
Maccoby, Hyam. Early rabbinic writings.
Moore, George Foot. Judaism, volumes 1, 2, 3.
Morales, L. Michael. Cult and Cosmos, tilting towards a Temple centered theology.
Morales, L. Michael. The Tabernacle pre-figured, cosmic mountain ideology in Genesis and Exodus.
Morales, L. Michael. Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord?
Moreland, J. P. Scaling the secular city, a defense of Christianity.
Nanos, Mark D. Reading Romans within Judaism, collected essays of Mark D. Nanos, Vol. 2 (E-book).
Nanos, Mark D. The mystery of Romans, the Jewish context of Paul's letters.
Pember, G. H. Earths earliest ages.
Pember, G. H. The Church, the Churches and the mysteries.
Pember, G. H. The Great Prophecies of the centuries concerning Israel and the Gentiles.
Pember, G. H. The great Prophecies of the centuries concerning the Church.
Perschbacher, Wesley J. The new analytical Greek lexicon.
Postell, Seth D. Adam as Israel, Genesis 1-3 as the introduction to the Torah and Tanakh.
Pratico, Van Pelt. The vocabulary guide to Biblical Hebrew.
Pritz, Ray A. Nazarene Jewish Christianity from the end of the New Testament period until its disappearance in the fourth century.
Schneemelcher, Wilhelm. New Testament apocrypha volume one: Gospels and related writings revised edition edited by Wilhelm Schneemelcher, english translation edited by R. Mcl. Wilson.
Schneemelcher, Wilhelm. New Testament apocrypha volume two: Writings relating to the apostles: Apocalypses and related subjects revised edition, edited by Wilhelm Schneemelcher, English translation edited by R. MCL. Wilson.
Scott, John R. W. The letters of John (Tyndale New Testament commentaries).
Segal, Alan F. Two Powers in Heaven, early Rabbinic reports about Christianity and Gnosticism (E-book).
Smith, Morton. Tannaitic parallels to the Gospels.
Smith, Steven C. The House of the Lord, a catholic Biblical theology of the Temple in the Old and new Testament. (E-publication)
Strobel, Lee. The case for faith, a journalists investigates the toughest objections to Christianity.
Strobel, Lee. Vogel, Jane. The case for Christ, a journalists personal investigation of the evidence for Jesus.
Strong, James. The new Strongs exhaustive concordance of the Bible, updates dictionaries include contributions by John R. Kohlenberger, III.
Tomson, Peter J. Paul and the Jewish Law, Halakha in the letters of the apostle to the Gentiles.
Tregelles, S. P. Genenius's Hebrew & Chaldee lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures from the English translation of S. P. Tregelles, LL. D. with additions from Furst.
Vermes, Geza. The complete dead sea scrolls in english.
Webster, Brian L. The Cambridge introduction to the Biblical Hebrew.
Whiston, William. Josephus, the complete works translated by William Whiston, A.M.
Wise, Michael. Abegg Jr, Martin. Cook, Edward. A new translation, the dead sea scrolls.
Young, Brad H. Meet the rabbis, rabbinic thought and the teachings of Jesus.
Interested in learning more? Join us on paltalk in the room Yeshua HaMashiach Fellowship and Study Room
Re: Research links
Various links;
Creation and Liturgy: The Liturgical Background of Genesis 1-3;
https://academic.udayton.edu/trends/cre ... iturgy.pdf
Is Psalm 110 a messianic Psalm?;
https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/a0d8/a ... 1c7c2a.pdf
“From Dust You Shall Arise:” Resurrection Hope in the Old Testament;
https://equip.sbts.edu/publications/jou ... testament/
The Place of Women in First-century Synagogues;
https://www.cbeinternational.org/resour ... synagogues
A Commentary on Psalm 24;
https://www.academia.edu/1818815/A_Comm ... n_Psalm_24
"Yeshuas' Temptation: A Reflection on Matthew's Use of Old Testament Theology and Imagery" (ATJ 40 [2008]: 15–42);
https://www.academia.edu/3316711/_Jesus ... 2008_15_42_
‘The Finger of God’: Lukan Irony and Old Testament Allusion as Narrative Strategy(Luke 11:20 and Exodus 8:19(LXX 8:15));
https://nbseminary.ca/wp-content/upload ... of-God.pdf
10-16 Parallels between the Trials of Jeremiah and Yeshua;
https://byustudies.byu.edu/charts/10-16 ... -and-jesus
Time for a New Diet? Allusions to Genesis 1–3 as Rhetorical Device in Leviticus 11;
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/ ... Harper.pdf
Parallels concerning Samuel;
https://www.thetorah.com/article/litera ... hit-samuel
Allusions to Yoseph;
https://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs ... 1_Lunn.pdf
"And their eyes were opened, and they new": An inter-canonical note Luke 24:31
https://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs ... rtlund.pdf
Davidic Christology and Ecclesiology in Luke-Acts;
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/ ... eation.pdf
Peter J. Kearney, "Creation and Liturgy: The P Redaction of Ex 25-40," Zeitschrift fur die Alttestimentliche Wissenschaft 89, (1977): 375-87 (reader);
https://www.academia.edu/34757851/Peter ... -87_reader_
Earth’s First sanctuary: GEnEsis 1–3 and ParallEl crEation accounts;
https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/cgi/ ... ntext=auss
Yeshua and his Jewish World: A Resource That BringsFirst-Century Biblical Context into the Twenty-First-Century World Through Technology;
http://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/cgi ... ntext=dmin
“Where Two or Three . . .”: Shekhinah and Matthew 18:20;
https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/cgi/viewcon ... t=claritas
The Amidah Prayer: A New Translation;
https://engediresourcecenter.com/2019/0 ... anslation/
A biblical and theological analysis of tithing;
https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/ ... xt=fac_dis
Purity, Holiness, and the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew’s Narrative World;
http://jewishstudies.eteacherbiblical.c ... ingdom.pdf
“The Gifts and the Calling of God are Irrevocable” (Romans 11:29): If So, How Can Paul Declare that “Not All Israelites Truly Belong to Israel”(9:6)?;
https://ejournals.bc.edu/index.php/scjr ... /9525/8485
The Epistle of James as a Witness to Broader Patterns of Jewish Exegetical Discourse;
http://www.jjmjs.org/uploads/1/1/9/0/11 ... _james.pdf
Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism;
The "Moveable Well" in 1 Cor 10:4: An Extrabiblical Tradition in an Apostolic Text;
https://www.ibr-bbr.org/files/bbr/BBR_1 ... or10_4.pdf
Restoration of the Twelve Tribes in Romans;
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/ ... -+Hahn.pdf
Anthropogony and theology in the Hodayot and the letters of Paul;
https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/bitstream ... lltext.pdf
Why Is Jewishness Matrilineal?;
https://www.chabad.org/library/article_ ... lineal.htm
Adam, Humanity, and Angels: Early JewishConceptions of the Elect and HumankindBased on Genesis 1-3;
https://fsu.digital.flvc.org/islandora/ ... m/PDF/view
Dr. Neiman;
Is Joshua’s Battle at Jericho the Dramatic Key to John’s Revelation?;
http://www.luke2427.com/jesus-battle-ag ... evelation/
Messiah bar Ephraim in the Targums;
http://www.obinfonet.ro/docs/tpnt/tpntr ... essiah.pdf
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the World of Yeshua;
https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/cgi/vie ... ontext=sba
Chiasm and meaning in 1 Chronicles;
Bowing Seven Times;
https://claudemariottini.com/2009/04/13 ... ven-times/
The Rich Man and Lazarus;
http://ltdahn-stluke.blogspot.com/2006/ ... zarus.html
Enochian Literature: A Contextual Exploration andExamination of Its Correlation to Biblical Scripture;
https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/cgi/vie ... rgrad_work
"So Shall Your Seed Be": Paul's Use of Genesis 15:5 in Romans 4:18 in Light of Early Jewish Deification Traditions;
https://www.academia.edu/22963050/_So_S ... Traditions
Matthew 18.15-20 in light of the Dead Sea scrolls;
Noah's Vineyard: Its Narrative Significance and New Creation Trajectory;
https://www.academia.edu/2576790/Noahs_ ... Trajectory
Green - Vineyards and Wine from Creation to New Creation;
https://www.academia.edu/30880615/Green ... eation.pdf
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry: A Theology of Hospitality in Luke-Acts;
https://www.academia.edu/8316823/Eat_Dr ... _Luke-Acts
Creation and Liturgy: The Liturgical Background of Genesis 1-3;
https://academic.udayton.edu/trends/cre ... iturgy.pdf
Is Psalm 110 a messianic Psalm?;
https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/a0d8/a ... 1c7c2a.pdf
“From Dust You Shall Arise:” Resurrection Hope in the Old Testament;
https://equip.sbts.edu/publications/jou ... testament/
The Place of Women in First-century Synagogues;
https://www.cbeinternational.org/resour ... synagogues
A Commentary on Psalm 24;
https://www.academia.edu/1818815/A_Comm ... n_Psalm_24
"Yeshuas' Temptation: A Reflection on Matthew's Use of Old Testament Theology and Imagery" (ATJ 40 [2008]: 15–42);
https://www.academia.edu/3316711/_Jesus ... 2008_15_42_
‘The Finger of God’: Lukan Irony and Old Testament Allusion as Narrative Strategy(Luke 11:20 and Exodus 8:19(LXX 8:15));
https://nbseminary.ca/wp-content/upload ... of-God.pdf
10-16 Parallels between the Trials of Jeremiah and Yeshua;
https://byustudies.byu.edu/charts/10-16 ... -and-jesus
Time for a New Diet? Allusions to Genesis 1–3 as Rhetorical Device in Leviticus 11;
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/ ... Harper.pdf
Parallels concerning Samuel;
https://www.thetorah.com/article/litera ... hit-samuel
Allusions to Yoseph;
https://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs ... 1_Lunn.pdf
"And their eyes were opened, and they new": An inter-canonical note Luke 24:31
https://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs ... rtlund.pdf
Davidic Christology and Ecclesiology in Luke-Acts;
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/ ... eation.pdf
Peter J. Kearney, "Creation and Liturgy: The P Redaction of Ex 25-40," Zeitschrift fur die Alttestimentliche Wissenschaft 89, (1977): 375-87 (reader);
https://www.academia.edu/34757851/Peter ... -87_reader_
Earth’s First sanctuary: GEnEsis 1–3 and ParallEl crEation accounts;
https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/cgi/ ... ntext=auss
Yeshua and his Jewish World: A Resource That BringsFirst-Century Biblical Context into the Twenty-First-Century World Through Technology;
http://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/cgi ... ntext=dmin
“Where Two or Three . . .”: Shekhinah and Matthew 18:20;
https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/cgi/viewcon ... t=claritas
The Amidah Prayer: A New Translation;
https://engediresourcecenter.com/2019/0 ... anslation/
A biblical and theological analysis of tithing;
https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/cgi/ ... xt=fac_dis
Purity, Holiness, and the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew’s Narrative World;
http://jewishstudies.eteacherbiblical.c ... ingdom.pdf
“The Gifts and the Calling of God are Irrevocable” (Romans 11:29): If So, How Can Paul Declare that “Not All Israelites Truly Belong to Israel”(9:6)?;
https://ejournals.bc.edu/index.php/scjr ... /9525/8485
The Epistle of James as a Witness to Broader Patterns of Jewish Exegetical Discourse;
http://www.jjmjs.org/uploads/1/1/9/0/11 ... _james.pdf
Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism;
The "Moveable Well" in 1 Cor 10:4: An Extrabiblical Tradition in an Apostolic Text;
https://www.ibr-bbr.org/files/bbr/BBR_1 ... or10_4.pdf
Restoration of the Twelve Tribes in Romans;
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/ ... -+Hahn.pdf
Anthropogony and theology in the Hodayot and the letters of Paul;
https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/bitstream ... lltext.pdf
Why Is Jewishness Matrilineal?;
https://www.chabad.org/library/article_ ... lineal.htm
Adam, Humanity, and Angels: Early JewishConceptions of the Elect and HumankindBased on Genesis 1-3;
https://fsu.digital.flvc.org/islandora/ ... m/PDF/view
Dr. Neiman;
Is Joshua’s Battle at Jericho the Dramatic Key to John’s Revelation?;
http://www.luke2427.com/jesus-battle-ag ... evelation/
Messiah bar Ephraim in the Targums;
http://www.obinfonet.ro/docs/tpnt/tpntr ... essiah.pdf
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the World of Yeshua;
https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/cgi/vie ... ontext=sba
Chiasm and meaning in 1 Chronicles;
Bowing Seven Times;
https://claudemariottini.com/2009/04/13 ... ven-times/
The Rich Man and Lazarus;
http://ltdahn-stluke.blogspot.com/2006/ ... zarus.html
Enochian Literature: A Contextual Exploration andExamination of Its Correlation to Biblical Scripture;
https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/cgi/vie ... rgrad_work
"So Shall Your Seed Be": Paul's Use of Genesis 15:5 in Romans 4:18 in Light of Early Jewish Deification Traditions;
https://www.academia.edu/22963050/_So_S ... Traditions
Matthew 18.15-20 in light of the Dead Sea scrolls;
Noah's Vineyard: Its Narrative Significance and New Creation Trajectory;
https://www.academia.edu/2576790/Noahs_ ... Trajectory
Green - Vineyards and Wine from Creation to New Creation;
https://www.academia.edu/30880615/Green ... eation.pdf
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry: A Theology of Hospitality in Luke-Acts;
https://www.academia.edu/8316823/Eat_Dr ... _Luke-Acts
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Re: Research links
A rhetorical study of Romans 8:18-22 as proof of the cosmological witness of Creation for the glorification of the believer;
https://www.academia.edu/29410399/A_RHE ... E_BELIEVER
John Gill's Exposition of the Bible;
https://www.biblestudytools.com/comment ... the-bible/
A New Creation Reading of Joel 2:28-29;
https://www.academia.edu/14148866/A_New ... el_2_28-29
Targums, the New Testament, and BiblicalTheology of the Messiah;
https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/c ... blications
The Messiah at Qumran;
https://jamestabor.com/wp-content/uploa ... -Tabor.pdf
Genealogy and Yeshua;
Veiled hearts: The translation and interrpetation of 2 Corinthians 3;
https://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs ... arrett.pdf
Crispin Fletcher-Louis, "All the Glory of Adam: Liturgical Anthropology in the Dead Sea Scrolls." Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, Vol. XLII, ed. F. Garcia Martinez, Leiden: Brill, 2002 (notes);
https://www.academia.edu/11806559/Crisp ... 2002_notes_
Paul's Use of Pagan Philosophy in Acts 17;
https://www.academia.edu/5351362/Pauls_ ... in_Acts_17
Historical Commentary on the Gospel of Mark;
The Holy Spirit as feminine: Early Christian testimonies and their interpretation;
http://www.scielo.org.za/scielo.php?scr ... 6000100026
The artifact;
The Psalms as Hymns in the Temple of Jerusalem;
https://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/docma ... emple/file
On the Origin of Watchers: A Comparative Study of the Antediluvian Wisdom in Mesopotamian and Jewish Traditions;
https://www.academia.edu/4570714/On_the ... Traditions
Second Temple Period Rationales for the Torah’s Commandments;
https://cardozo.yu.edu/sites/default/fi ... iffman.pdf
The Origin of the Eschatological Feast as a Wedding Banquet in the Synoptic Gospels: an Intertextual Study the Synoptic Gospels: an Intertextual Study;
https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/cgi/ ... sertations
The Two Goats: A Christian Yom KippurSoteriology;
https://epublications.marquette.edu/cgi ... tations_mu
New Light on the Ten Jubilees of 11QMelchizedek (11Q13), DSD 25 (2018) Pre-publication copy;
https://www.academia.edu/36549753/New_L ... ation_copy
https://www.academia.edu/29410399/A_RHE ... E_BELIEVER
John Gill's Exposition of the Bible;
https://www.biblestudytools.com/comment ... the-bible/
A New Creation Reading of Joel 2:28-29;
https://www.academia.edu/14148866/A_New ... el_2_28-29
Targums, the New Testament, and BiblicalTheology of the Messiah;
https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/c ... blications
The Messiah at Qumran;
https://jamestabor.com/wp-content/uploa ... -Tabor.pdf
Genealogy and Yeshua;
Veiled hearts: The translation and interrpetation of 2 Corinthians 3;
https://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs ... arrett.pdf
Crispin Fletcher-Louis, "All the Glory of Adam: Liturgical Anthropology in the Dead Sea Scrolls." Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, Vol. XLII, ed. F. Garcia Martinez, Leiden: Brill, 2002 (notes);
https://www.academia.edu/11806559/Crisp ... 2002_notes_
Paul's Use of Pagan Philosophy in Acts 17;
https://www.academia.edu/5351362/Pauls_ ... in_Acts_17
Historical Commentary on the Gospel of Mark;
The Holy Spirit as feminine: Early Christian testimonies and their interpretation;
http://www.scielo.org.za/scielo.php?scr ... 6000100026
The artifact;
The Psalms as Hymns in the Temple of Jerusalem;
https://jewishstudies.rutgers.edu/docma ... emple/file
On the Origin of Watchers: A Comparative Study of the Antediluvian Wisdom in Mesopotamian and Jewish Traditions;
https://www.academia.edu/4570714/On_the ... Traditions
Second Temple Period Rationales for the Torah’s Commandments;
https://cardozo.yu.edu/sites/default/fi ... iffman.pdf
The Origin of the Eschatological Feast as a Wedding Banquet in the Synoptic Gospels: an Intertextual Study the Synoptic Gospels: an Intertextual Study;
https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/cgi/ ... sertations
The Two Goats: A Christian Yom KippurSoteriology;
https://epublications.marquette.edu/cgi ... tations_mu
New Light on the Ten Jubilees of 11QMelchizedek (11Q13), DSD 25 (2018) Pre-publication copy;
https://www.academia.edu/36549753/New_L ... ation_copy
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