Name and Words to be Avoided by Reuven ben Gershom Goossens
And in all that I have said to you, be circumspect and make no mention of the name of other gods, nor let it be heard from your mouth.” Shemos - Exodus 23:13
I have decided to place this page online regarding some words, titles and names that have been so commonly used by so many “christian’s” through the centuries, but some have now come to the understanding that certain errors have entered into their vocabulary going back through the centuries, in fact some of it even commenced during the days of the Apostles when a man from Samaria who was in fact an evil sorcerer who went to Rome and started a new pagan religion based on a Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman religions and he mixed it with a certain amount of Hebrew Messianic detail he had learned in Samaria (Acts chapter 8), but he now completely recreated his main characters with new pagan names. Out of this came the man known as the “First Bishop of Rome” and he was the founder of terms we now know as “Christian” and “Christ.” Now, this should really shock every single one of our readers, for tragically this Satanic man was obviously not a believer in our beloved Messiah who created this terminology, but an evil pagan who had an unpleasant encounter with the Apostles, especially Shime’on - Peter.
Thus this study is all about erroneous names and words that are commonly used in all the church, you thus may ask, why are they so wrong? The Scripture shown above will provide you with a very clear answer for we must never use names that will in someway glorify pagan gods. And beloved there are words and names that do just that and you will use them every time you go to church. What I have just told you is backed up by the blessed Word of Elohim for the sorcerer Simon is very clearly spoken about in the Word and we need to understand of the massive influence he and later Constantine had on the greater church!
However, I sincerely suggest that you pray before continuing to read, and ask our Heavenly Father in the wonderful and blessed Name of Yahushua the Messiah that He will give you discernment and understanding of what is to come below, for what is said is all based on truth and you will find that it is all substantiated, although I honestly wish that I did not have to write on any of this, but sadly, I was clearly led to do so, for I had been using some (not all) of these words in my own studies in the past. Thus sadly, you will find one still in my writings.
Now the names, attributes and words that we are going to cover in this study need to be changed in our general thoughts and delivery during our meetings of the faithful believers, and the “Little Flock” for the enemy has very cleverly altered the meaning of the original Scripture language into something else, and it has in truth a totally different meaning than what we really think it has!
The question is this, in both the Hebrew and Greek and I do mean both the Old and New Covenants that we are absolutely sure that no names, words or wording were ever used that originated from any of the pagan source or religions in relation to Elohim our beloved Messiah or the faithful in Him, and I mean names obtained from pagan sun and moon gods? No of course not for the Word of YHVH Elohim was, is, and always will be totally PURE! However, that does not mean that pagan Rome cannot have gotten their evil hands onto the New Covenant and made changes to it at will and sadly, as you will find the “Christian” world just accepts it and their “Bibles are all full of errors, even though many believe that the Scriptures are pure! I am sorry, only the original Hebrew can be trusted and all Scripture MUST be measured by it! We know that the four Gospels were written first in Hebrew and we have two studies online that comprehensively prove this!
But, let us now study what the above really means to us today and the terminology we should be changing. I am going to commence with what we may call a relatively simple one, “Stourou” or “Stouros” being Greek for the “stake,” yet all Bibles state the “cross.” You will be amazed with its origins!
Greek: Stourou - Stake:
Debated Word: Cross:
We now come to something quite different, for most will know well the following words, for their preachers will have used them over and over again. Yahushua said them in Lukas – Luke 14:27, “And whoever does not bare his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.”
However, both the words “cross” and “crucify” in the general “Bibles” that most “Christians” read are complete mistranslations, a much “later rendering,’ of the original Greek words “stauros” and “staurou.”
In fact Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words states that “stauros denotes primarily an upright pole or stake. The shape of the two-beamed cross had its origin in ancient Chaldea and was used as the symbol of the god Tammuz. In the third century A.D., pagans were received into the apostate ecclesiastical system and were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols.”
What do some of the most vital sources have to say?
The Companion Bible states, “Crosses were used as symbols of the Babylonian Sun-god. The evidence is complete; the Lord was put to death upon an upright stake, not on two pieces of timber placed at an angle.”
The Encyclopaedia Britannica, “In the Egyptian churches the cross was a pagan symbol of life borrowed by the Christians and interpreted in the pagan manner.”
The Greek Dictionaries and Lexicons, the primary meaning of “stauros” is an upright pale, pole, or stake.
Strong's New Exhaustive Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary: NT:4716; stauros (stow-ros); from the base of NT:2476; a stake or post (as set upright), i.e. (specifically) a pole (as an instrument of capital punishment); figuratively, exposure to death, i.e. self-denial; by implication, the atonement of Christ:
Thus what is the origin of the “cross” in the Scriptures then? I am sure that the majority of readers will not be too surprised to read that this “later” rendering of the “Stake” in spite of all the factual evidence, almost all the common versions of the Scriptures have taken up the Latin Vulgate's “crux” which means cross instead of the true Greek rendering of the Word “stauros.” This proves once again, how much the greater church is influenced by the pagan church of Rome, that was commenced by an evil sorcerer and a Babylonian priest, who you can read about for the man who Shime’on Kepha – Peter the Apostle severely reprimanded him as he attempted to buy an apostleship with money!
The most accepted reason for the "cross" being brought into “Christian” worship is Constantine's famous vision of "the cross superimposed on the sun" in A.D. 312, and yes I did say the SUN! What he saw is nowhere to be found in Scripture. He even went so far as to pretend to have a “conversion, but we know that he continued to worship the sun god until the day of his death! His coins after his vision showed an even-armed cross as a symbol for the sun-god. Obviously all christian scholars doubted the conversion of Constantine because of the countless wicked deeds that he did thereafter.
The “Chi-Rho” symbol was frequently depicted on the reverse of coins after Constantine became Emperor
After the “vision of the cross” Constantine promoted another sign of the cross, the “Chi-Rho” or “Labarum.” This has been explained as representing the first letters of the name Christos (CH and R, or, in Greek, X and P). However, the identical symbols were found on rock inscriptions dating from ca. 2500 B.C., which just happened to be “a combination of the two Sun-symbols.” Thus, yet another proof of its pagan origin is that the identical symbol was found on a coin of Ptolemeus III from 247-222 B.C.
Emperor Constantine directed for a “Laberorum” to be made, being a very special spear that would be covered in pure gold, with a crosspiece added thus representing a “Crux” cross. Then the image of the “Chi-Rho” had to be placed on the top part of the spear, thus above the crosspiece. The “Chi-Rho” was encircled by a wreath of great honour. In addition, a banner was hung from the crosspiece of imperial Tyrian purple and gold cloth. By tradition, Constantine had this “Labarum” carried before his legions and it was protected by his carefully selected colour guard of 50 especially selected and highly trained men that were known as the “Praepositi Laberorum.”
Also stated in the Encyclopaedia Britannica, is the following, however, I have placed it not as written as most of it has already said much of it, but it does contain some additional content. It was not until the time of Constantine that the cross was publicly used as the official symbol of the “Christian” religion … Under Constantine it became the acknowledged symbol of Christianity … Constantine’s action was obviously influenced by his vision in which he believed he saw of the cross in the sky with the sun and the accompanying words “en toutw nika” (“by this conquer”). However, the dead body of the Roman “Christos” on the cross was not excepted into the church until the sixth century. The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed., 1910, Vol. 7, p. 506.
The An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, the “Labarum” was also an emblem of the Chaldean sky-god. Emperor Constantine adopted the “Labarum” as the imperial ensign.
And the Dictionary of Mythology Folklore and Symbols, state that the symbol was in use long before Christianity. “Chi” probably stood for Great Fire or Sun. “Rho” probably stood for “Pater” or “Patah” (meaning Father) the Egyptian gods. The word “Labarum” yields “everlasting Father Sun.”
Thus beloved, having learnt so much we have seen the facts and not just made up fables, we must drop and get rid of the pagan Roman rubbish and return to the blessed and most wonderful Word of YHVH Elohim and Yahushua the Messiah’s Word in Spirit and in Truth and use names and words that are Scriptural, and obviously “cross” is not from His Word, but the evil one, thus Scripturally it is “the stake.”
Hebrew: Mashiach - Messiah:
Debated Word: Christ - Christos:
The sad fact is that so many use the combined terminology “Jesus Christ” thinking that they are referring to the most wonderful man that has ever lived, being He Who, as Yochanan – John said;
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim. He was with Elohim in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.” Yochanan - John 1:1-3.
Thus we are speaking of He who is not just the Word, but also was, is and always will be Elohim! This is our Saviour who came to earth as a man and taught the Word then He gave His life as the Passover Lamb in order that all who believe and repent, follow His ways and commandments will have life eternal in the “Kingdom of Elohim.”
“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Mattityahu - Matthew 5:5.
But what of that word “Christ”? The Greeks used both the word “Messias” being a transliteration of the original Gospels, which were of course written in Hebrew, but soon it became Christos a newly created word, for the Hebrew “Ha Mashiach” that means “the Anointed” or “the Messiah.” However, where did the word “Christos come from?”
There is an ancient Christian inscription in existence that goes back to October 1, 318 A.D. and it states: “The Lord and Saviour Jesus the Good.” Now interestingly it is the word “Good” that is in question here and very soon you will understand why.
When it came to presenting details, such as names and titles of a new faith it would be far more acceptable to the Greek and Roman pagans who were worshiping their many deities, it would be easier to entice them into a new faith using a name that they were familiar with. Therefore, rather than retaining the original Hebrew Mashiach or Messias it was decided to use the name of the pagan god’s named “Chreston” - “Chrestos.” Now why should that not surprise us?
According to the Interpreter’s “Dictionary of the Bible,” the word “Christos” was easily confused with the common Greek proper name “Chrestos,” meaning “Good.” According to a French theological dictionary, it is absolutely beyond doubt that “Christus” and “Chrestus,” and “Christiani” as well as “Chrestiani” were used indifferently by the profane and various Christian authors of the first two centuries A.D. It is believed that the word was originally introduced by Simon (the sorcerer) Magnus who became the Bishop of Rome, the man who commenced this new faith, being a pagan based, mixed loosely with Messianic details, and he is the genuine founder of the Church of Rome. We need to understand that Yahushua’s beloved Apostle Kepha – Peter never set a foot in the city of Rome, as the Apostle Shaul – Paul proves!
Chrestos was a highly worshipped Egyptian, Greek and Roman god that had the full name of “Serapis Chrestos” who soon became known in Rome as “Christianos.” The word “Christianos” is a Latinism, that the Messianic faithful refused to use, as they would always use the words - “Messias”, “Messiah” or “Mashiach” as we do to this day! As these new and important words came into the church of Rome were introduced by an evil man, who was clearly spoken off in the Book of Acts, means that the two word’s known today as “Christian” and our beloved Messiah and Saviour as a pagan god by the name of “Christ,” both sadly originating from a pagan origin as shown.
According to the “Real-encyclopaedia,” the inscription “Chrestos is to be seen on a Mithras relief in the Vatican,” which does provides with further proof that it was Simon Magnus who introduced it, for it is officially recorded that Simon was the person who coined the word “Christian.” According to ‘Christianity and Mythology,’ Osiris the sun-deity of Egypt was also revered by the name, “Chrestos!” However, there is just one more interesting fact, “Chrestos” was also known as “the judge of Hades or the lower world.” Thus in ancient day’s he was the sun, and later he became the judge of Hades, the grave! How tragic a world we are looking at!
Le us look at a few passages from the blessed Word of *YaHVaH Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name!
*See; Please Note at the heading.
“And in all that I have said to you, beware and make no mention of the name of other gods, nor let it be heard from your mouth.” Shemos - Exodus 23:13.
“You shall not take the Name of YHVH your Elohim in vain, for YHVH will not hold him guiltless who takes His Name in vain.” Shemos – Exodus 20:7
“Little children,” urges Yochanan - John, “keep yourselves from idols” 1 Yochanan - 1 John 5:21.
“Whoever blasphemes the Name of YHVH shall surely be put to death.” Vayikra - Leviticus 24:16. Thus christians and the world BEWARE!
Thus the Word of our beloved Creator is very clear indeed; do not ever mention any names of other gods for you are blaspheming the Creator and Messiah who gave His life for you, and yet you are calling him by a name of a pagan god of hell and death! I weep, for countless millions are doing just that, although many do it unknowingly. Come out of the harlot church of Satan!
Hebrew: The Saviours Name - Yahushua:
Debated Name: Jesus - Iesous:
The original Name of our blessed Saviour was never “Jesus” or “Iesous,” but “Yahushua.” In the blessed Scriptures it is made quite clear that His Father’s Name “YAH” was given to Him and we should all know from the popular Hallelujah, or as it is better written as HalleluYah, the Father's Name is YaHVaH. Read the … “Memorial Name.”
There are two factors that the Father’s Name was not to be uttered by Israel and that His Name must somehow be “cloaked” outside of the temple in Jerusalem. There was also a second factor, as there was a very strong feeling amongst the Gentiles for it was said that they … “Could not accept a Jewish “God and Saviour, for those Jews are a conquered people, and their God did not even save them!” This feeling continued for a long time amongst the pagan Gentile world and they wanted a real saviour, but certainly not a Jewish one!
According to Wörterbuch der Antike, the substitute name can be traced back to the Latin “Iesus” and the Greek “Iesous,” a name that can be traced back to an adaptation of the name of the Greek goddess of healing “Ieso.” This is confirmed by the Greek-English Lexicon of Liddell and Scott.
A writer in Philologische Wochenschrift stated, “to Greeks who venerated Ieso a saviour named Iesous must have been most acceptable.” In spite of the attempts to justify the “translating” of the YHVH Elohim and Yahushua’s actual Names, it was claimed that it could not be done. However, no matter what, a person's name remains the same in all languages and that has been proven over time with some very strange names in the Tennis world or world leaders, but No not for the most important man that every lived!.
The father of the Greek goddess “Ieso” was “Asclepius,” also a deity of healing. The father of Asclepius was “Apollo,” the great sun-deity. Thus, the name Iesous (Jesus) can be traced back to sun-worship. Then there is also a relationship to the Egyptian goddess “Isis and her son Isu.”
According to Reallexikon der Agpyptischen Religionsgeschichte, “The name of Isis appears in hieroglyphic inscriptions as ESU or ES. Isu and Esu sound exactly like ‘Jesu’ that the saviour is called in the translated Scriptures of many languages.”
“Esus” was a Gallic deity comparable to the Scandinavian “Odin.” The Greek abbreviation for “Iesous” is “IHS,” which is found on many inscriptions made by the “Church of Rome” during the middle Ages. “HIS” is the mystery name of Bacchus (Tammuz) yet another sun-deity. These are just a few examples.
Thus beloved, considering that our beloved Saviour’s Name was, is and always will be Yahushua and this is the Name we should be using!
You may ask, “But brother, do you have any proof whatsoever that Yahushua is really our Saviours Name?” Of course I have! Beloved, it has always been known, but nobody wants you to know the truth, for it is being hidden for sadly Satan is the god of the world and he is very successful, but I tell you, that he will lose, for Messiah Yahushua has already defeated him when He shed his precious Blood, and when YHVH raised Him from the dead, for Satan will be strong now and attempt to take as many with him, for the wages of sin is death, but I pray beloved that the Word of truth will touch your soul and will have you seeking YaHVaH Elohim and Yahushua the Messiah to be fully RETURNED to HIM!
In regard to the question asked above; beloved that is very simple to answer for all we have to do is to look at another well known person in the blessed Scriptures and that is Moshe’s – Moses’ successor Joshua. We should look at how his name was written in the Greek in both the Septuagint, which is the Tanach (Old Covenant). The Septuagint was translated by seventy Hebrew Scribes around the third century B.C., into Greek, some of us may be aware that there was a period of time there when Israel was under what could be called a Hellenic influence. In the original version of the Septuagint “Joshua” as we know him now, was written as follows “Giacousoua.
It is interesting to note that there are eight Greek letter combinations that are known as “dipthongs,” one of these is ou - if a Greek font is not available to you these are the letters “Omicron” and “Upilson” and look much like (ov). However, they all end up sounding much like a single sound. The three letters “Gia” are pronounced much like the Dutch “Ja.” Thus it sounds much like the blessed Name “YAH,” as in HalleluYAH. Thus, knowing all the aforementioned we would really write Joshua’s Name in the Greek as “Giahousua” when we transliterate it correctly it will look like this “Jahousoua” and should be pronounced as “Yahushua.” Thus in the original Greek it was still correct! And remember both Joshua and our Saviour has the very same name, as both ended up with the same but a new and a different Greek name, as we will discover.
The question begs, when we look up the later editions of the Septuagint, which we should note were retranslated by certain “Christians” and it is rather strange that suddenly in those new editions instead of “Joshua” being written as “Giacousoua” as it had been since the book was compiled it had suddenly changed to “Iesous.” The question begs WHY?
“Joshua” of the Tanach (Old Covenant) is mentioned in the Brit Chadashah (New Covenant) three times, but the question begs, 1. How could they possibly give him a completely different Greek name, it now being “Iesous” instead of “Giacousoua.” 2. And why did he receive a completely different name to the Messiah, as well as changing it in the much later updated Christian versions of the Septuagint to “Iesous” considering that in the original rabbinic editions it had been “Giacousoua.” In spite that he and Messiah having the very same name, yet the christians still called him *Joshua and Messiah “Jesus.”
But now we come to the most beloved Name of our Saviour “Yahushua” and as we will know from the Greek, our Saviour’s Name also was written as “Iesous.” However, in the original four Gospels, which were written in Hebrew, His and him we now call - “Joshua,” were written as “Yahushua.” Thus, why did the christians end up giving the person from the time of Moshe a name that sounds so similar to the original – “Joshua”?
It has been the argument of theologians over the centuries that they “had to call Messiah by another name because there was not a ‘Y’ in Greek” and thus it became – “Iesous” – “Jesus.” The question begs; on the basis of Joshua, why then did “He who has the Name above every name” not also become known as “Jahoshua” or even “Joshua?”
But the truth goes back to a time of a great corruption in the setting up of the church in Rome for a new version of a Universal faith was being commenced by a Simon who had come from the Middle East to Rome, but the question begs, was this man the Apostle Shime’on Kepha - Peter? The answer is No! The one who actually went to Rome was a man by the name of Simon Magnus an evil man a sorcerer! He was a Samaritan who had even been baptised. However, there will be more about this person available online in another study entitled; “Apostle Peter Vs Peter Bishop of Rome” – the link is at the bottom of the page.
We now return to the subject to the name of him who we tend to call Joshua, and our beloved Messiah. Above, we have clearly established that both their names are one and the same, and obviously there were another known by that name in the Word. 1. “Naves Topical Dictionary” makes the name abundantly clear, and; 2. It is also very clearly stated in the “Strongs Concordance.”
The name of Yahushua - Joshua:
Thus, if we look at Strongs we will see that it clearly states that both Joshua and our Saviour’s real names are what we are telling you is Yahushua, although as the Strongs author’s are not Hebrew scholars, they tend to use a “J” and that is OK, but it still proves the point that there has been a Satanic conspiracy!
Joshua in the Tenach – Old Testament:
OT:3091: Yehowshua (yeh-ho-shoo'-ah); or Yehowshu’a (yeh-ho-shoo'-ah); from OT:3068 and OT:3467; Jehovah-saved; Jehoshua (i.e. Joshua), the Jewish leader: - Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Joshua. Compare OT:1954, OT:3442.
Joshua in the Brit Chadashah – New Testament:
“… the son of Joshua , the son of Eliezer.” *Luke 3:29. See also *Acts 7:45 & *Heb 4:8.
NT:2424: Iesous (ee-ay-sooce'); of Hebrew origin (untrue the word is of Greek origin) [OT:3091]; Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites:
*Strangely the “King James Version” has changed the name “Joshua” to “Jesus” whereas in the vast majority of other versions it is “Joshua”
Beloved, as I have stated in my studies, names are most important and although we can translate the writings, but names MUST NEVER be altered, for they have powerful meanings in the Word of YaHVaH Elohim! Those who have changed the Names and Attributes of YaHVaH Elohim and Yahushua THE Messiah will stand condemned before the Eternal on that Great Judgement Day! In addition, for those who have used these names unknowingly will not be condemned, but, it is the responsibility of the faithful to teach the Word and bring the Gospel of truth and peace to the World as commanded. Therefore once you have read this and you refuse to heed the truth, then thankfully I will not have to be the judge!
Greek: Diatheke - Covenant:
Debated Word: Testament:
One of the most tragic errors in the King James Version is its use of the word Old and New “Testament” instead of using the correct word “Covenant.” According to the Companion Bible, the word “Testament” as a translation of the Greek word “diatheke,” which really means covenant, has been nothing less than a great calamity; for by its use the truth has been effectually veiled throughout the centuries. You may ask "why is this so?"
Let me answer that question! A “covenant” is a binding agreement between two parties; it is a two-party solemn agreement bound by oath. However, whereas a testament is a written document by which someone has disposed of his or hers estate! It is as simple as that!
This word “testament" as a description of our present spiritual realm is the heritage that we have inherited from Rome, for it has come our way, due to the use of the word “testament” once again from the Latin Vulgate, oops pagan Rome again invades the church!. The word gives the wrong impression of only “receiving." It contributes to the erroneous teachings of “belief alone,” “grace only,” “good works not required,” “love only.” The doctrine of “faith is enough” is the fruit of the work of the “spirit that works in the sons of disobedience,” the spirit in the Man of Lawlessness who instituted this “no-law-religion,” the Great Apostasy, the Mystery of Lawlessness. He had a great son Simon Magnus the founder of the greater church of Rome!
My Name: The Name of the Father YHVH and Messiah Yahushua:
Now a few verses and I will commence with one from Yeshayahu - Isaiah:
It states in the Word that the people of Israel were using the most precious Name in error even mocking the most beloved Name the Almighty, be it knowingly or inadvertently, and foreknowing His people Israel well, He allowed them to stop using His “Memorial Name.” However the Eternal also clearly said in Yeshayahu – Isaiah;
“‘And now what do I have here?’ declares YHVH. For My people have been taken away for nothing, and those who rule them mock,’ declares YHVH. ‘And all day long My Name is constantly blasphemed. Therefore My people will know My Name; therefore in that day they will know that it is I who foretold it. Yes, it is I.’” Yeshayahu - Isaiah 52:5-6.
Beloved, all those who are faithful and part of the “Little Flock” in Yahushua THE Messiah are greatly blessed to know the most beloved “Memorial Name” of YaHVaH Elohim, blessed be His Sanctified Name, and we may use it in prayer, praise, study and Scriptural matters alone. However, the Sanctified Name MUST never be used in vain!
“And indeed for this cause have I raised you up, for to show in you My power; and that My Name may be declared throughout All the earth.” Shemos - Exodus 9:16.
“I will declare Your Name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation will I praise You.” Tehillim - Psalm 22:22.
“And I will do whatever you ask in My Name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask Me for anything in My Name and I will do it.” Yochanan - John 14:13-14.
Beloved, I pray that the above will not have shattered you too greatly, although I am well aware that some of these things may come as a shock and I understand that many will wish to question it. I do wish to remind you that the sources shown are some of the most reputable known, as is the blessed Word especially in regard to the evil Simon Magnus the evil founder of what is today’s, “Roman Catholic Church” and every single “Christian” church has taken a huge part of their doctrine, although many will dispute that! If the church had really rejected the Catholic church’s doctrines and their Vulgate, why then do they use the terms “Jesus Christ,” “Christian,” “Cross” and “Testament” and beloved there are other names and words that I have not even covered as yet in this study!
As I said at the head of this study pray and seek our Heavenly Father YaHVaH Elohim in the Name of Yahushua the Messiah and wait upon Him to lead you, for only His Word has the Truth, but we should try to go back to the origins of the Word and for example a programme such as PC Bible study may be a great help, for it has many great features, for as you are looking up a verse, you can look up any word in either Hebrew or Greek and click on the Strongs number and obtain all the relevant information, as well as the countless Commentaries, a concordance with a search option, and so much more!
In conclusion as a Hebrew believer in Yahushua THE Messiah since 1977 …
“May YHVH bless and keep you: YHVH make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you: YHVH lift up his countenance upon you, and give you Shalom.” For Yahushua is our Peace.” Priestly blessing - Bamidbar - Numbers 6:24-26.
“Teach me Your way, O YHVH. I will walk in Your truth.
Tehillim – Psalms 86:11
Name and Words to be Avoided
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