Matthew 16:2-3 [The Scriptures]
2 “When it is evening you say, ‘Fair weather, for the heaven is red,’
3 and in the morning, ‘Stormy weather today, for the heaven is red and overcast.’ You know how to discern the face of the heaven, but you are unable to DISCERN THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
- California High School Teacher Put on Leave After Asking Whether Schools Would Allow Sudents to Walk Out to Protest Abortion [16-03-18]
- ‘Happy You Day’: Mother’s Day Cards Go Gender-Neutral In UK [14-03-18]
- Turkey To Lead Islamic Army Of 57 Muslim Nations Against Israel? [14-03-18]
- Scientists Raising Pigs for Organ Transplants [09-03-18]
- White South Africans face genocide, ‘We are cutting the throat of whiteness’ [08-03-18]
- U.S. Air Force Academy Symposium Presents Transgender Couple, Marxist, Sex Guru As Models [06-03-18]
- Washington State to ‘Monetize Wombs,’ Legalize ‘Baby Selling,’ Redefine ‘Parent’ [02-03-18]
- Scientists Create First Human-Sheep Hybrids [17-02-18]
- Teacher Receives Three-year Suspension for Calling Homosexuality a Sin on Facebook [17-02-18]
- Islamic Anti-Semitism in France: Toward Ethnic Cleansing [16-02-18]
- 17 killed in mass shooting at high school in Parkland, Florida [15-02-18]
- Muslim Beats 9 Year Old Daughter to Death for Making Mistakes Reciting the Qur’an [14-02-18]
- Did the War of Gog and Magog Begin on Saturday? [13-02-18]
- UN “Sex Education” Standards Push LGBT Agenda on 5-Year-Olds [13-02-18]
- Muslims Attack Church With Machetes, Injure Priests, Behead Statues [11-02-18]
- Belgium: Muslim Migrant Destroys Mezuzahs, Harasses Jews, Places Qur’an At Synagogue [11-02-18]
- Planned Parenthood: Christians Should be Forced to Fund Abortions, It’s “Immoral” Not To [15-12-17]
- Big Brother Installing Surveillance Cameras in Places of Worship [14-12-17]
- Mainstream Media Now Urging Parents to Give 3-Year-Old Kids Dangerous Drugs for Depression [14-12-17]
- Former Facebook Executive Banned Own Children From Site [13-12-17]
- Paintings Depicting Ritual Abuse On Display at the Las Vegas Courthouse [12-12-17]
- Why Humans Will Happily Follow a ROBOT Messiah [11-12-17]
- Here comes Santa Claus (with his satanic sidekicks) [08-12-17]
- Will GOP Congress Fund ‘Humanized Mice’ Made From Aborted-Baby Organs? [06-12-17]
- Samsung Thinks That Palm Scanning Could Be Next In Biometric Security [04-12-17]
- AI Brain Implants That Can Change Person’s Mood Tested On Humans by US Military [27-11-17]
- Multiculturalism is Splintering the West [09-10-17]
- California: No Longer a Felony to Knowingly Expose Others to HIV [09-10-17]
- New California Law Allows Jail Time for Using Wrong Gender Pronoun [09-10-17]
- Britain Draws Up Battle Plan for War with North Korea [09-10-17]
- The Emergence of a Russian-Iranian-Turkish Triangle in the Middle East [09-10-17]
- Time for a Digital Universal ID [05-10-17]
- Spirit of Baal Manifesting Now in America [04-10-17]
- UK: Christian Woman Prosecuted for Talking About Christianity to a Muslim Colleague [02-08-17]
- Ethiopia: Muslims Attack Christian with Machetes for Proselytising [01-08-17]
- Egypt: Muslim Military Officers Beat Soldier to Death upon Learning He Was a Christian [31-07-17]
- Gender Identity Issues Trace Back to Pagan Goddess Described in the Bible [27-07-17]
- Airport Scanners Can Rip Apart and Alter DNA [19-07-17]
- Canadian Health Minister Wants Free Abortions For All [19-07-17]
- Catholic School in Germany Ran Like a ‘Concentration Camp’ As Over 500 Boys Were Raped and Physically Tortured By Homosexual Teachers [18-07-17]
- Fukishima Plant Owner Decides to Dump 777,000 Tons of Nuclear Waste into Ocean [17-07-17]
- Liberal Canada Legalized Bestiality – Which Animals Are Most At Risk? [14-07-17]
- Brad Pitt: ‘Elite Hollywood Pedophiles Control America [13-07-17]
- Pedogate Arrests: US Army General, Ohio Mayor & TV Actor Rapped Children As Young As 3 [13-07-17]
- CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11′ [13-07-17]
- Canadian Christian School Told Not to Teach ‘Offensive Bible’ Verses to Children [24-06-17]
- Scientists Try Resurrecting the Dead With Stem Cells [ 1-06-17]
- Hallmark Offering Cards to Celebrate ‘Gender Transitions’ [27-05-17]
- Students Demand Apology Over Christian Prayer at Graduation [21-05-17]
- Russia Bans Jehovahs Witnesses [20-04-17]
- U.S. Religious Freedom Report Finds ‘Worsening’ Conditions Worldwide [18-05-17]
- School Employee Reprimanded for saying “I Will Pray for You” [17-05-17]
- Australian Company Turning Extra IVF Embryos into Jewellery [16-05-17]
- Christians To Be Labeled As Hate Groups, Could Face Hate Crimes [14-04-17]
- China Moves 150,000 Troops to North Korea Border [10-04-17]
- Australian Wearing Cross Beaten by Muslim Gang Shouting F*** Jesus [10-04-17]
- Russia Sends More Warships Toward Syria Following Strikes [10-04-17]
- UK Grants Permission for 3-Parent Babies [10-04-17]
- ISIS Slaughters 43 Coptic Catholics in Egypt on Palm Sunday [9-04-17]
- President Trump Orders U.S. Navy Strike Force to Waters Off North Korea [9-04-17]
- Syria Airstrike: Russia Retaliates After U.S. Airstrikes [8-04-17]
- President Trump Orders 59 Cruise Missiles Fired Off At Syria [6-04-17]
- Damascus Destroyed-Mark of the Beast-World War III is Knocking on the DoorRussia Bans Jehovahs Witnesses [20-04-17]
- Muslim Extremists Increase Pressure on Indonesian Christians [29-03-17]
- CNN Commentator: Obama ‘Next Best Thing to Jesus’ [28-03-17]
- 15 Years after 9/11 It Has Become Obvious That Flight 77 Never Hit the Pentagon [27-03-17]
- Core Columns At World Trade Centre Were Cut at 45 Degrees Angle Prior to 9/11 [27-03-17]
- Female Athletes Getting Crushed by Transgender Males [27-03-17]
- Canada Passes Motion… Sharia Courts Are Coming [26-03-17]
- Atlanta Family Battling State Over Right to Name Daughter Allah [24-03-17]
- North Carolina School District Pulls First Grade Book About Dress-Wearing Boy…[24-03-17]
- Only the Beginning- Male Transgenders Begin to Dominate Female Sports [24-03-17]
- Hezbollah Building Up Massive Offensive Capabilities Against Israel [24-03-17]
- Christians Urged to Pull Children From Public Schools [23-03-17]
- ‘A Fetus is Not a Person’ Under the Law [23-03-17]
- Over 100 NATO Military Vehicles arrive in Estonia-Biggest Deployment Since Cold War [23-03-17]
- Behold a Black Horse-UN Announces the Worst Food Crisis Since WW2 [22-03-17]
- The Global Famine Begins (20-03-17)
- Global Leaders Rattles Their Sabres As The World Marches Toward War (10-03-17)
- London Street Preachers Convicted of Quoting the King James Bible (7-03-17)
- The West Submits To Blasphemy Laws (03-03-17)
- French Teacher Suspended, Probed After Allegedly Reading Bible to Students (03-03-17)
- Disney Airs its First-Ever ‘Gay’ Cartoon Kiss (2-03-17)
- Canadian Government Employees Must Pass Pro-LGTB Test (24-02-17)
- Genetic Manipulation of Humans (22-02-17)
- ALERT: New Vaccines Will Permanentl Alter your DNA (22-02-17)
- Brzezinski: ‘Our Job is to Control Exactly What People Think (22-02-17)
- Is Genetic Engineering Recreating the Sin of Noah’s Generation? (21-02-17)
- The Era of Human-Animal Hybrid Has Begun (21-02-17)
- New World Order Forming Under Pagan Temple of Ba’al Arch? (16-02-17)
- Wooly Mammoth on Verge of Resurrection, Scientists Reveal (16-02-17)
- Witches in Pointy Hats Demonstrate in Support of Planned Parenthood Abortion (14-02-17)
- Muslim Found with Pipe Bomb in Luggage allowed to Fly Again Days Later (14-0217)
- GERMANISTAN: Germany’s Muslim Demographic Future (13-02-17)
- Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg Favours Decriminalising Paedophilia and Child Sex Trafficking (8-02-17)
- Gender Neutral Police-“Expectant Mothers” Considered Offensive (7-02-17)
- FBI: 30% Of Washington DC Part Of Elite Paedophile Ring (7-02-17)
- Poll: Clear Majority of Europeans Want Total Ban on Muslim Immigration (7-02-17)
- UK: Muslim killer muttered “Allah, Allah, Allah,” carried book telling Muslims to “die a shahid,” terrorism ruled out [7-02-17]
- Northern Hemisphere Potentially in Great Danger As Fukishima Radiation Increases [6-02-17]
- Boy Scouts Allows Transgender Kids into boys-only programs [31-01-17]
- National Geografic Celebrates Transgender Child on January Cover [19-12-17]
- Paedophiles are Freely Working in Football [5-12-17]
- War On the Homeless: Cities All Over America Are Passing Laws Making it Illegal to Feed and Shelter Those in Need
- Obama Administration wants to Allow Scientists to Make Human-Animal Hybrids
- US-Backed Rebel Group Beheads Child
- Satanist Invocation Interrupted with Lord’s Prayer
- Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland Opens With Bizarre Satanic Ritual Ceremony
- Report: Media Gives Gorilla Death 6 Times More Coverage Than ISIS Beheading of Christians
- EU Proposes Government ID to Use Internet