[This article is based on a teaching by Yosef Álvarez]
John 1:1 [King James Version]
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Most translations do not do justice to the Greek text. The word «theos» (θεός) [God] appears twice; the first one refers to the Father and the second one refers to the Word. However, they are written differently.
In the first instance, when theos (θεός) refers to the Father, it is written with a definite article «ho theós», which means “the Powerful”.
The second time, it is written 7yh, without the definite article.
This difference is important in Greek grammar because in ho theos the definite article indicates a substantive (noun), in this case, a title. However, in theos, without the definite article, it implies an adjective. The correct translation of ho theos would be “The Powerful” and in the second case, theos, it would be, simply “powerful”.
Theos as an adjective can also be translated as “divine”.
Goodspeed, a distinguished Hebraist and scholar, in spite of being a trinitarian translated it as follows:
John 1:1 [Goodspeed New Testament]
1 In the beginning the Word existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was divine {not God}.
James Moffatt translates it as:
John 1:1 [James Moffatt New Testament]
THE Logos existed in the very beginning, the Logos was with God, the Logos was divine {not God}
(see WAS THE WORD IN JOHN 1 MADE FLESH? for more information)
These translations respect Greek grammar and at the same time express the truth.
Once again we have scriptural evidence that Yeshua is not Yahweh.
Unless otherwise noted, all Scriptures are from The Scriptures,
Copyright by Institute for Scripture Research.
Used by permission.